Powdered Hide glue

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Powdered Hide glue - 200 Grams
Powdered Hide glue - 450 Grams
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Animal glue has been used by musical instrument makers for centuries, and has been used as a wood glue for thousands of years. It is extremely strong when mixed carefully. It has the advantage over many modern glues in that joins can easily be separated with a hot knife making it ideal for violin family instruments which require frequent dismantlement. - Coarse powder - 440 GR (Gram strength) - 20 Mesh - Mixed using heat & water (see below) - Fast drying - Bonds to aged hide glue - Clear, strong joint
Traditional animal hide glue.

Glue is composed of 84-90% protein, 8-12% water and 2-4% mineral salts. It contains no fat, carbohydrates, purine, cholesterol or preservatives.

We asked an experienced violin maker about his method for mixing hide glue with water, this is his approach -
"I don’t get too scientific about it, and generally mix it half and half. For instance, pour in one inch of glue granules, and then fill the water to the 2 inch mark. In doing this, the water seeps into the glue –so technically the mix is probably about 60/40 or 70/30. There are MANY videos on youtube on the topic, I would suggest finding one that isn’t overly annoying and go with it. Different gram strengths have different mixing requirements, which is important to remember (444 ends up thicker than 250 for example )"

Once mixed, the powder/water paste is then heated in a jar sat in hot water (60-65 degrees celsius) for 2-4 hours until liquid.

The parts being glued should be pre-warmed for optimal results while gluing and maximum working time.

Unused glue can be stored in the refrigerator for around 1 week. Use a microwave to reheat to liquid form.