Left-Handed Graph Tech TUSQ XL Epiphone-Style Readymade Nut PQL-6060-L0

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- Width - 43.94mm - Height - 9.08mm - Thickness - 6.08mm - Width E to E string - 34.14mm - Top Radius - 12" TUSQ is a synthetic material specially engineered for use in guitar nuts and saddles. Unlike plastics it has very good tonal qualities which many luthiers and guitarists say are superior to bone or ivory TUSQ nuts and saddles are manufactured to extremely high standards making them ideal for both new instruments and replacements on old instruments. In most cases TUSQ nuts can be fitted with no extra slotting for the strings and little or no other modification making TUSQ a more convenient and economical alternative to a custom made nut. - Fits nut slot in a left handed Epiphone guitar - Can be modified to fit many other brands - Shaped and slotted ready to install - Impregnated with Teflon for string lubrication - Similar tonal properties to bone or ivory - Engineered for maximum vibration transfer - Impregnated with Teflon for string lubrication - Very high quality manufacturing to tight tolerances - Consistent quality from piece to piece and within each piece - Easy to work with - can be filed and sanded, will not chip or flake - Used by many of the world's leading guitar manufacturers - Made in Canada
When fitting a TUSQ nut you will normally need to adjust the dimensions slightly to get it perfectly matched to the guitar.

It’s best to do this adjusting by rubbing the nut on fine sandpaper (240 or 400 grit) on a hard surface. This will help keep the lines of the nut straight and square.

Start by sanding the thickness of the nut, take a little off until it’s a snug fit in the slot.

Once the nut fits in the slot check the width compared to the fingerboard. If it’s too wide you need to sand a little off each end until it’s level with the edges of the neck.

It’s important that the slots in the nut aren’t too high off the fingerboard or it will make the guitar hard to play. The bottom of slots should be just a little higher (0.2-0.4mm) than the level of the frets. This can be checked by running a metal ruler along the top of the frets and seeing where it intersects the slots.

If the slots are too high you can sand a little off the bottom of the nut until they are the right height compared to the frets.

An optional step is to file each of the slots with a Nut File until it’s at the perfect height. This is very much a ‘fine-tuning’ adjustment and can be skipped if you are unsure or don’t own the correct nut files.

You adjust the slots once the strings are on the guitar and use the string itself to compare the height of the nut slot to the height of the frets. Just push the string down on the 2nd fret, you should see a slight gap between the 1st fret and the string of about 0.1-0.3mm
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Manufacturer Graph Tech